Thursday, February 7, 2013

8. Thursday 11.45pm - 26 hours to flight, still no visa

It is starting to get tense.  Bishop Ise-somo arrived yesterday in Uganda and today at 6.15 both he and Timon flew to Kenya and arrived at the Australian High Commission with the extra $150 USD each, lodged the newly filled out papers and were told that they had to pay in Kenyan shillings.  So Timon had to find a place to change the money and then without any indication that a visa will or will not be granted, left to find a place to stay.   They are now in the Anglican Guesthouse and really only have an hour left of the normal working day on Thursday and then tomorrow morning because they still have to contact Fred in Kampala (Uganda) to pay for the tickets and then get to the airport by 3pm.
26 hours till the flight.
I have experienced last minute things in the past but not like this.
Are they likely to make it for the Welcome at 3pm Sunday?
Your guess is as good as mine.

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