Thursday, January 31, 2013

2. The proposed program

The program is still evolving but here are the main events where you can meet and hear our Congo visitors speak...

SUNDAY 10th February 2013                Week 1                                                                  
3pm  Official Welcome at Christ Church Anglican Church, Springwood
3.30  Welcome Afternoon Tea  Church Hall, Great Western H’way  Springwood (parking from Charles Street)
4pm   Evensong - Christchurch
7pm   Night Church - The Factory 28 Lawson Rd,  Springwood

TUESDAY 12th February:      7.30pm for 8 at The Factory Ise-somo & Grodya speak from the heart -                      
                                                      'The Church in Crisis.  The Church Rebuilding.  Where to from here?’  

THURSDAY 14th February               10.30 Thursday Church:           Bp Ise-somo preaching            

                                          7.30pm for 8 at The Factory        Ise-somo & Grodya speak from the heart - 
                                                         ‘The Church in Crisis.  The Church Rebuilding.  Where to from here?’

FRIDAY 15th February   Combined Youth Outreach     
7.30-9.30The Factory, 28 Lawson Rd, Springwood 
For more info contact Dave McPhail  47511065

SUNDAY 17th February:  
8am  Christ Church Service 
10am Family Church at The Factory, 
12noon Lunch with Family Church 
4.30pm  Arvo Church - the Factory   
7pm Night Church at the Factory 
8.30pm Q&A with Bp Ise and Timon- the Factory


Week 2
TUESDAY 19th February   
School Visits during the day 
7pm  AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: ‘What is happening in D.R.Congo? What about the M23?’
Glenbrook Community Hall (next to Cinema)                7pm Refreshments                            7.30 Bp Ise-somo & Timon Grodya

FRIDAY 22 night / SATURDAY 23rd Feb morning interview  MEN’S KATOOMBA CONVENTION (MKC)

SATURDAY 23rd February 6-9 pm
$10 per head or $25 a family   
Bookings 4751 1065 (office hrs) or 
0422 731 194 Evenings

SUNDAY 24th February     
8am St Georges Winmalee Anglican
9.45 St Georges Family Service

7pm Moorebank Anglican Church


Week 3
GYMEA ANGLICAN CHURCH  Ise-somo speaking at 4 services on Sunday 3rd
131 Gymea Bay Rd,  Gymea 2227  Contact Rev Graham Crew (m) 0414859252    (o) 02 95246225


Week 4
MONDAY 4th MARCH:  7-8.30pm   AUTUMN PRAYER MEETING of Springwood Anglican Churches at the Factory, 
                                                                                         28 Lawson Rd, Springwood  

MONDAY 4th - FRIDAY 8th March Speaking at Various Schools

FRI 8th -SATURDAY 9th Springwood Night Church House Party Grodya at MKC(afternoon)

SUNDAY 10th March  9am Springwood Community Church  Springwood Primary School

7pm Farewell to Bp Ise-somo and Timon Grodya at Springwood Anglican Night Church 
at the Factory, 28 Lawson Rd, Springwood.
This is not the complete list of activities for either Bp Ise-somo or Timon - 

For more information email <>

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